Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The King Edward vii Yellowwood

Estimated to date back to around the year 1350, the King Edward vii Outeniqua yellowwood (Podocarpus falcatus), in the forest at Diepwalle forestry station between George and Knysna, is generally believed to be the largest of several monumental specimens of this species in the country.

In 1924, during a visit by the British Parliamentary Association, the tree was given the name “King Edward vii” as the delegation, awe inspired by it’s magnificence, were served lunch under the tree.

Surrounded by a thick carpet of ferns and towering to a height of 39 meters, this 662 year old wonder of the forest was originally known as Templeman’s tree.

A story is told that a woodcutter by the name of Templeman bought the tree but, as the tree was so immense, in fact much too large for a woodcutter of that time to deal with, he fortunately never cut it down.

The dimensions of this majestic leviathan are almost unbelievable. The circumference of the trunk, measured at a height of 1.30m from the forest floor is 7 meters while the length of the trunk is 22 meters and the spread of the crown, an amazing 31.5 meters.

Today, as the wind rustles through the leaves and the old man’s beard wafts gently from the branches, this imposing giant enthrals all who have the privilege of walking the trail from Diepwalle forestry station to view this massive, noble example of the Outeniqua yellowwood.
Sophiatown Tree Before 

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