Friday, October 2, 2009

Spectacular Monthly Tree - October 2009

The Rauvolfia caffra or Quinine tree as it is commonly known is a medium to tall tree that is generally found growing along river banks and on the margins of evergreen forests. This tree has a distinctive upright trunk and a spreading, rounded crown with glossy, bright green leaves that are borne in whorls of 3 to 6. Terminal sprays of sweetly scented flowers appear in spring followed by glossy green fruits with white spots that turn black as they mature. This highly decorative garden subject is much prized for its beautiful form and looks best when planted as a specimen on an open lawn. The common name refers to the thin, bitter latex which was once used to treat malaria but was later found to be ineffective. Reserpine which is obtained from the bark and root bark is used as a tranquilliser and to lower blood pressure.

Our 200kg Quinine trees are a really good deal at present, as they all have beautiful well established canopies and look very mature for their bag size.

Botanical Name: Rauvolfia caffra
Common Name: Quinine tree
Sizes Available: 50kg, 200kg
Quantity in Stock: 100 x 50kg, 30 x 200kg
Average Tree Height: 50kg - 3,0m, 200kg - 3,5 – 4,0m
Average Trunk Thickness: 50kg - 4cm, 200kg - 7cm

Should you require any further information, such as pricing details or should you wish to place an order, please contact Rudi on 082 829 5543 or Leske on 072 385 0270. Alternatively you are welcome to email us with your enquiry at

Ravolfia caffra - 50kg

Rauvolfia caffra - 200kg

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